Everything would be summed up in one word ... fishing for fishing. Appropriate as many fish as possible, in the shortest possible time. To return them one by one. Only then, would my ego be satisfied. We will be bulimic fly fishing ?.

So what would differentiate us from the lead of the rigging, the meat of the nickel-plated hooks, and the metallic buzz of the amorphous spoon?

That would differentiate us from obtaining one, ten or sixty animals ... impacted with no end. What would be the essence sought in fishing with a large number of flies in favor of the largest number of fish caught, thus abandoning the perfection of drift, cast, impressionist tie ... to enable the lead time with feathers?.

Well then ... we would be in the present, adhering to curiosity, to mastering a technique more ... to the use of this tool that pursues the number, quantity, efficiency of performance. This technique, moves away from any ethical, beautiful and balanced concept pursued by fly fishing. It is more a calculation than a work of art. It is the fast food opposed to the delicacy of the gourmet.

The professed fishing, from these Hispanic hemispheres, known as the fishing to the thread or to the tension, is a nonsense. A mirror of color brought on these sides about five hundred years later. The bad thing ... is to know that only money is pursued. The most sacred of our fish heritage and the quality of our trout. It is full of sin and is lacking in conceptual support for the natural environments of South America. We talk about quantity of trout ?. In the local scenario, the prey is the fisherman and as collateral effect and calamitous, our population of trout.

Where it will be today ... for these ambassadors and spokesmen of unreason, the essence of a perfect launch, a natural drift, a methodical immersion. Where we find the native fly, if you profess as pop art, the replicas of the Korean army of Kim Jong. An enamel, hundreds of identical pellets and infinitely repeated. Where were these schools that professed precision, respect for fish, beautiful flies, the limit of the game between animal and man, ethics and fair balance ?.

Bland inspiration from the painter of buildings, who strives to paint many meters to render his day's work. In contrast to the essence, which represents respect, balance, art, perspective, ethics and search.

What more will come in favor of new trends totally inadequate for this hemisphere, much less for our wild trout? Techniques created in places where the salmonid resource is fully controlled, managed and the effect of tithing a population of trout to proclaim a champion of fishing, only negatively impacts until the incoming season? .

How much time remains, in this way opted by some, to annihilate our environments and to fish in armed aquariums, of which they already exist today in Mendoza and Argentina?

I prefer to fish with fly. Not something like that. My flies and my fishing will live in essence, in art, in conflict, in renunciation, in humility, in search. I choose the essence, I choose to honor the fish and not to size or attitude by fish. I choose my trout on equal terms, I choose fair play. I choose to fish two, three or none. I choose not to own you, avoiding the conceptual bulimia in which some are involved. END