Biblioteca Paso a Paso CDC still born

CDC still born

For some time, I wanted to create a nymph emerging that would give the impression of making the movements and contractions typical of the nymphs that try to get rid of insect shuck.
I knew that to get what I wanted, I had to choose the most suitable materials for the purpose, so I thought that in o Ver más...
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CDC still born
Listado de materiales
Hook: grub Insect's shuck: Antron body: two filoplume. Chest: dubbing hare hair Over chest and wings: A CDC hackle. Legs: partridge fibers.

Paso 1

On the curve of a hook grub, I fix a filoplume.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 1

Paso 2

Above the feather, I fix a bunch of Antron

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 2

Paso 3

Above the feather, I fix a bunch of Antron

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 3

Paso 4

Keeping a little tension the filoplume and Antron, I wrap around them the tying thread with loops wide.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 4

Paso 5

When I reach the length that I should decided have the body, turning back, crossing the coils of tying thread with those wrapped above.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 5

Paso 6

Come on hook, I fix a CDC hackle.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 6

Paso 7

Make a dubbing with synthetic material or hair.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 7

Paso 8

Tie the chest of the nymph.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 8

Paso 9

Reverse the CDC hackle on the chest and fix it on hook.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 9

Paso 10

I choose a partridge hackle and cut the fibers of the base.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 10

Paso 11

After moving down the fibers of gray partridge, I fix them under the chest to get the legs of the nymph.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 11

Paso 12

Keeping tension the tip of the CDC hackle, shift the fibers along the stem, fix them beside hook eye and cut the excess.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 12

Paso 13

Tie the head of the fly.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 13

Paso 14

Remove the fly off the vise and cut the surplus of filoplume.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 14

Paso 15

Finished fly.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 15

Paso 16

Another fly.

Paso a paso - CDC still born - Paso 16


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