Biblioteca Reporte de Pesca Lower Florida Keys

Lower Florida Keys

Desde: 27/01/2018
Hasta: 27/01/2018
Tipo de Agua: Agua salada
Especies: Tarpón, Bonefish, Permit, Barracuda
It is almost that time of year again... Tarpon season is just around the corner. I still have days available during prime time.
In the next month, we will start to find tarpon moving into the lay up basins on the warmer days.. Also rolling in the channels early morning... As spring progress more and more tarpon will migrate through the Lower Florida Keys.. April though June being prime time, with large schools of tarpon migrating though the lower Keys.
Lets not forget the other species.. Bonefish, permit, baby tarpon and barracudas are a lot of fun too! Always something fun to sight fish on the flats..

I know many of you are wondering how the Keys did in Hurricane Irma..

Sept. 10th Irma, A category 4 hurricane made landfall on the Florida Keys.. I was in Mt. at the ti Ver más...


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