Ray Roberts

Destino: Ray Roberts
Desde: 26/05/2016
Hasta: 26/05/2016
Tipo de Agua: Agua dulce
Especies: Carpa
It seems we here in Central North Texas have been spared the storms that are firing up west of us this morning. (Rain has started since I began writing at 5-am) Talking weather heads said something about a “sinking” spot over DFW that is causing storms to fall apart as they approach the area. Are you listening USACE? It’s hard to believe these decision makers at USACE are clearing habitat (draining Lake Ray Roberts) as quickly as possible, preparing for rain that’s not coming. But then, they are still the government aren’t they.

I had my text message gizmo blow up last night, as folks were wondering why I didn’t hit the Fly Fishing Film Tour in Fort Worth, Texas. I like good fly fishing porn as much as the next guy, but I figure it’s probably time to cultivate some new ge Ver más...


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Lodge - Estados Unidos

Bluegill, Trucha marrón, Carpa